This post is from the JMBzine Blog Vault, which means it is a very old blog post that I wrote at a very different time of my life. My views on religion (I’m now a Humanistic Jew), politics (today I’m a democratic socialist), and many other subjects (LGBTQ+ inclusion, abortion rights, etc.) have drastically changed over the years, so please bear this in mind when reading this post.

Thursday, September 20, 2001

11:23 pm

Listening to Bob Dylan tonight. It seems like the only music that is appropriate to the occasion.

I missed hearing President’s Bush’s speech to a joint session of Congress tonight, but just finished reading the transcript on I appreciate much of what the President said: his statement that terrorism and fundamentalism do not represent true Islam, that the real work against terrorism is living our lives, and the show of concern and support for those who have suffered so greatly.

But, that said I can not agree with his decision to go to war with Afghanistan and countries that support terrorism. Two wrongs do not make a right. The only way to respond to hatred is with love. I don’t see bombing Afghanistan from the Iron age to the stone age as being very loving.

5:52 pm

Webrings for bloggers

(2022): Webrings were a big deal, in the pre-social media days.

5:04 pm

Students for a Sensible Drug Policy

(2022): SSDP is still alive and well today.

5:03 pm

Sept 29 Saturday 3:00PM Saturday


A broad coalition of community groups and individuals will gather to express concern that US responses to the 9/11 attack not give way to calls for war. People are urged to come together and rally for peace and to defend against racist attacks.

Start at Keeling park in East Austin.

Rally starts at the Capitol at 4:30.

Sponsored by Democracy Coalition. Endorsed by Austin CISPES, ISO

(2022): I don’t recall if I made it to this protest or not, but I think I did.

Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures that I can find (if I did go), but I did find some other photos and videos from the protests on that day:

Also here’s a from the protest that I found on an archive of a story from 

5:02 pm

The movement to stop the War of American Vengeance is being birthed. Here are some sites from the Austin area that will keep you updated on the local scene:

(2022): Links above are to archives from the era, as most of the sites are not operational anymore. Sometimes still works, but not today.


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