This post is from the JMBzine Blog Vault, which means it is a very old blog post that I wrote at a very different time of my life. My views on religion (I’m now a Humanistic Jew), politics (today I’m a democratic socialist), and many other subjects (LGBTQ+ inclusion, abortion rights, etc.) have drastically changed over the years, so please bear this in mind when reading this post. – Tags:

From the JMBzine vault, Aug 13, 2001, 8:23 pm

Editorial note (2022): 2000 Flushes was a pirate radio station in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and if I recall right had a phone voicemail system where you could call and leave audio messages that would later be played on the air. Here are a few links I found to archival recordings and even a cool zine-style listeners guide that are still online:


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