COVID19 Pandemic Resources
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On this page, we will be sharing some Bob Waldrop's writings that seem to be the most relevant for the current crisis, as well as some other resources.
As always, please read these materials critically, considering whether this advice is helpful or relevant to your context or not.
Resources found on this website (and included in the off-line mirror version of this website):
Resources available from
Off-line Resources:
- Amateur Radio station KG5JST is transmitting QST Bulletins each day with the latest stats on covid (including the number reported infected and dead), as well as links and resources for amateur radio operators for surviving and thriving during the covid crisis, particularly if said operators have temporary internet outages in their area. These transmissions are most often transmitted using the JS8Call protocol on the 40 meter band. For those unfamiliar with digital modes, the easiest way to decode the transmissions is to connect the audio from your HF transceiver (or a shortwave receiver with SSB capabilities) and then to feed that audio into the line-in or microphone jack of your computer. After that you just use the JS8Call software to decode the transmission.
OR if you want to get really crazy, you can receive the transmissions via a SDR (software defined radio)and then feed the audio received into the JS8Call software. (if you do this, please be sure and have the QTH/location of the SDR radio listed as the location in the settings of the JS8Call software, so as to not have the software relay inaccurate data about where the transmission is being physically received).
Please note that to comply with FCC rules, these bulletins are intended for only licensed amateur radio operators, however, anyone in the USA (and in many other countries) can still legally listen and decode these transmissions.
Other Resources:
- How to make protective masks