- a website dedicated to simple living, sustainability and community-minded contrariness

Version 1.2 - Last Updated 2022 December 28

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New to

Back to Home

December 2022

Adding a new section on this website for my Family History archives

January 2022

We are now hosting the archives of Joy Mennonite Church of Oklahoma City, which includes scans of old newsletters (from 1991-2013) but also in time will include photos and other historical materials, including about the lives of Moses & Sadie Mast.

Given Bob's long history of partnering with the folks at Joy Mennonite (and many other faith communities), we believe he would have liked the idea of hosting this archive.


Back to Home is a website created during the days of isolation due to the covid-19 viral outbreak in March 2020, intended first and foremost to preserve and share the writings of the late (and very much missed) Bob Waldrop; his words are needed now more than ever.

Secondly, the website also provides some newer content, in some cases inspired by Bob, but made by others.

Finally, this website will also serve as a directory of resources for those using low-bandwidth internet or even sneakernet in the coming days. Almost all of this website is either text-only and over time most of the website will be able to be downloaded, for later use off-line.

Obligatory Legalese:

Unless otherwise noted, this website is copyrighted but released under a creative commons non-commercial share-alike license. Also with regards to the writings of Bob Waldrop, with only a few exceptions (which will be noted in the document in question), he released his work under what he called a "Shareright," which stated his work could be freely reprinted if the result was distributed for free.

Please note that you may not like everything on this website, even in the writings of Bob. This project has resolved to respect the views that Bob expressed and to not censor him (since he isn't physically here to explain himself and/or even change his mind), but in some cases we might add an editorial note or response if we deem it helpful.

Also, all content shared here is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for relevant legal, medical, or other professional advice.

And to close, we'll adapt a bit of the disclaimer that Bob had listed on the top of his Just Peace website:

WARNING: The study, practice, and spirituality of social justice teachings may be hazardous to your hard-heartedness, complacency, skepticism, indifference, and hubris. Proceed at your own risk! | Those who shut their ears to the cry of the poor will themselves also call and not be heard. Proverbs 21:13 | You are the God of the lowly, the helper of the oppressed, the supporter of the weak, the protector of the forsaken, the savior of those without hope. Judith 9:11 | The thrones of the arrogant God overturns and establishes the lowly in their place; the roots of the proud God plucks up, to plant the humble in their place. Sirach 10:14 | The one who says he has done enough has already perished. St. Augustine


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