![]() Print and copy them before a disaster so you have them available when they are needed and the copy shops are closed. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are, to meet the challenges of political criminality, economic irrationality, resource exhaustion, and climate instability. You may make all the copies you want for free distribution.
Nice Stove Instructions! This is a pyrolizing
stove that produces a hot flame with little smoke, and the
end product is biochar, which can be used as fertilizer. Building
a small slow sand water filter for individual use. Complete
plans, with pictures, for building this low tech water
purification/filtration device. Water purification in a
disaster is a big deal, and once constructed, this works
by the simple flow of water through its system. Simple
Critical Infrastructure Maps. Identifies the
fundamental threat in a disaster situation as the
"six ways to die" -- heat, cold, illness, injury, hunger,
thirst. Illustrates the infrastructure that prevents
deaths from these fundamental threats from killing us at
these levels of complexity -- personal, family/household,
village, town, region, country, world. Hexayurt -- this is a
simple emergency shelter that can be built with common
materials by amateurs. Old Ways, New Ways -- sci-fi story about what happened to us in Kansas City, Missouri when civilization crashed (written in 1999). These two sites archive enormous amounts of information, all of which would be useful if civilization crashes. Download and print as you have time, resources, and interest. The
Gupta State Failure Management Archive -- this is a
very large archive of material compiled by Vinay Gupta
regarding options and management in the event of
"state failure" -- the collapse of existing systems. Compendium
of Useful Information -- access to more than two
gigabytes of useful how-to information, compiled by Bob
Waldrop, and added to at irregular intervals. What are Printable Flyers and why are they necessary and useful? The world is afflicted with unjust and irrational
economic and political structures. We face multiple
threats including political criminality, resource
exhaustion, climate instability, and economic
irrationality, a perfect storm that can lead to collapse.
An unsustainable system will not go on forever. Unless the stress is relieved and the system made sustainable, it will eventually collapse. We hope that a "soft landing" can be engineered for our currently unsustainable systems of economics and politics and lifestyle, but just in case we are wrong. . . or you get stuck in a disaster when help is delayed. . . or there's some sudden need to jump start a sustainable society real quickly. . .here is a selection of "printable flyers" we hope would be useful in such a situation. Emergency service organizations have great contingency
plans for most "ordinary" disasters (weather events, other
localized disasters, etc.), but we should all be concerned
about the response of governments to what would be a
continent-wide disaster/collapse. I asked around here in Oklahoma City and local government has no contingency plans for protecting the families of emergency responders in such a situation, so that the police and fire departments can go about their duties confident that their families are OK. How long will they stay on the job if their families are at risk? Government emergency plans are based on bringing resources from other areas to help the area in trouble. They don't ask and thus they don't answer the question - what happens if no help is available from outside the disaster area, because the disaster is continent-wide? As far as I know, these printable flyers are the only
community response materials for such a situation
available on the internet. The time to make contingency plans is before the situation collapses, and the most basic thing you can do is to download these flyers and copy them in advance of problems so that they are available when they are needed. And absent a collapse or destablized situation, they have
ideas about sustainable living and the importance of
knowing and working with your neighbors which are useful
for families and neighborhoods. My theory on crisis leadership is that "they who get there the firstest with the mostest" have the best chance of carrying the day. Imagine the situation, a few days after everything pretty
much slides into perdition. Maybe its been coming over a
period of months, maybe its quick, like an EMP attack.
Your neighbors get together to decide on what to do. You
show up with copies of the printable flyers. Immediately,
the flyers are the focus of discussion. Instructions!
You brought instructions! Written instructions! We
are all conditioned to follow the instructions, and here
you are, with some instructions for a situation most of
them have never ever thought about or considered possible.
You gain cred because you contribute something useful. Besides your neighbors, think about your local government. After you meet with your neighbors, send a delegation downtown to city hall, and generally make enough of a polite nuisance of yourself to get yourself and your copies of the printable flyers in front of someone with some authority. Here again, you've brought instructions! Better than anything that FEMA has, ideas that even your local emergency services director hasn't thought of. Practical instructions that fit the circumstances, that weren't dictated by bureaucrats from far away. To give yourself authority, give yourself authority. As
you print and copy the printable flyers, start an informal
organization. Call it "(Whatever the name of your town or
area is) Mutual Aid". My group is Oklahoma City Mutual
Aid. We've had a workshop to discuss our options in the
event of a collapse situation here in central Oklahoma.
See the details at http://www.energyconservationinfo.org/okcmutual.htm
. If someone asks, "What is that organization?, here's
your answer - "We are an informal group of people
concerned about community resilience in the face of major
and grave challenges." While the copy shops are up and
running, make yourself a professional-looking laminated ID
card with your picture, signature, a logo (find a graphic
of two hands clasped, or two people shaking hands), and
the name of your organization. Punch a hole in the top for
a lanyard. Get a brightly colored vest to go over
your shirt, stencil OKC Mutual Aid on the back (or
whatever your mutual aid groups is) and voila, you look
just like everyone else who has some authority.
Looks make the man, as they say, or in this case, the
disaster responder. The alternative could be a take-over by what James Howard Kunstler
calls the "corn pone fascists" or even worse. Disasters
always bring out the best and the worst in people, and if
you wait around and do nothing, you are at risk of being
at the mercy of the worst. Don't wait for the best to come
out in others, YOU are the BEST already so get busy and
save your neighborhood. It won't save itself and if
it goes done, so do you and your household. Step forward, teach, suggest, coordinate, be a good example. But if you
don't download, print, and make copies now, ![]()
Printable flyers for promoting frugal living Family Food Security HTML ..Saving money on summer energy bills HTML .. How to make your own snacks HTML Easy, very tasty recipes made with typical emergency pantry groceries HTML .. The flyers are copyright 1999 - 2016. Permission is
hereby granted to download and print any amount of copies
for free distribution (tell your friends!). For much greater detail about my plans for adapting my "urban homestead" to meet the looming challenges of political criminality, economic irrationality, climate instability, and resource exhaustion, see Gatewood Urban Homestead, the permaculture design for my home. For more information, visit . . . Better Times Almanac of Useful Information | www.facebook.com/bobwaldrop | www.facebook.com/oscarromerocatholicworker Prairie Rose
Permaculture - Lifestyle design for the
21st century that meets the challenges of
peak oil, peak food, climate instability, and
economic irrationality - my permaculture practice,
offering online permaculture education worldwide and
design consulting in the Oklahoma area. ENERGY
Better Times
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